The people who work in Vermont’s public schools give their all to every student, every day, in every local community.
They deserve, like every employee, dignified and competitive compensation; to work and teach in safe conditions; and to have the time, resources, and autonomy to ensure that Vermont’s public-school students thrive and become happy, healthy, and successful adults.
The Vermont Educators' Bill of Rights
All educators should be able to earn a stable, decent, middle-class living in the service of Vermont’s students, without having to work multiple jobs. To this end...
Support staff – bus drivers, maintenance staff, food service, administrative assistants, classroom paraeducators, etc. – should be paid a minimum of $30 an hour.
Licensed educators – classroom teachers, special educators, school nurses, school counselors - should be paid a minimum of $60,000.
One job should be enough for every educator. Support staff should not have to work multiple jobs to maintain financial independence.
Educators should be able to rely on a fully funded and guaranteed defined benefit pension.
All educators and students should be physically safe, emotionally supported, and respected. To this end, schools should...
Be fully and adequately staffed to meet the academic, physical, and emotional needs of all students.
Increase the number of nurses, school counselors, social workers, and other mental health professionals working in buildings.
Develop and implement clear and consistent procedures for addressing harassment and assault against educators and students.
Develop and implement consistent system-wide approaches to student behavior, through ongoing training for educators and students.
Adopt adequate leave policies for assault or injury incurred as a result of unsafe conditions.
Maintain safe and healthy school facilities that ensure optimal teaching and learning conditions.
All educators deserve to have the time to plan, prepare, and consult with their peers so that they can best teach and nurture their students. To this end, educators should have...
The time to do the job they were hired to do within the contract day.
Daily educator-directed prep time including additional time for collaboration with colleagues.
A predictable and consistent workday that respects educators’ ability to maintain a healthy work-life balance.