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Contact Us

Vermont-NEA staff direct numbers and email addresses are below.

Main office numbers: 802.223.6375 and 800.649.6375 

For assistance with general employment matters, contract negotiations, grievance handling, and local Association organizing, or for information about legal assistance, call your UniServ Director...

Meaghan Morgan-Puglisi - Southern Vermont 802.224.2413 |

Joe Moore - Central Vermont 802.224.2424 |

Lindsey Lefebvre - Northeast Kingdom 802.224.2406 |

Matthew Polk - Northwestern Vermont 802.224.2407 |

Brian Morse - Addison-Rutland 802.224.2405 |

Jennifer Given - Upper Valley 802.224.2404 |

Chris Guros - Chittenden 802.224.2419 |

For legal assistance in job-related matters (Attorneys only take cases referred to them by a UniServ Director)...

Rebecca McBroom, General Counsel

Kelly Everhart, Legal Counsel

(please call or email your UniServ Director, attorneys only take cases referred to them by a UniServ Director)

For assistance with communications...

Darren Allen, Communications Director 802.224.2403 |

For assistance with member benefits, insurance and retirement investments...

Mark Hage, Member Benefits Director 802.224.2420 |

For assistance with professional development, licensing, National Board Certification...

Julie Longchamp, Professional Programs Director  802.224.2421 |
You may schedule a meeting here. 

For assistance with organizing and political action...

Colin Robinson, Political Director, 802.224.2410 |

For assistance with organizing and membership recruitment...

Lara Slesar, Organizer 802.224.2423 |

Natasha Eckart, Organizer / UniServ Director 802.224.2417 |

For information about dues collection and membership records...

Jean Jarrett, Membership/Accounting 802.224.2412 |

Mary Graves, Business Manager 802.224.2418 |

To reach the Association President and Executive Director...

President: Don Tinney  802.224.2402 |

Executive Director: Jeff Fannon  802.224.2414 |

For general inquiries, contact a Vermont-NEA Administrative Assistant...

Kristie Ferguson, Executive Assistant 802.224.2409 |

Erin Green, Administrative Assistant 802.224.2411 |

Carrie Emerson, Administrative Assistant 802.224.2408 |

For information about professional licenses...

Standards Board for Professional Educators 802.828.2444

For information about teacher retirement...

State Teachers’ Retirement System 802.828.2305

toll free: 1.800.642.3191

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The Union of Vermont Educators

The Vermont-National Education Association is the union of Vermont educators, 13,000 professionals who teach the state's children every day. As the state's largest union, Vermont-NEA is proud to represent the people who make a difference in the lives of students in classrooms across Vermont.