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Each Fall, Vermont-NEA offers teachers grants of up to $500 for creative and useful initiatives in your own classroom or school. Projects can be classroom and student or adult focused.
Click here to access the mini grant application.

Proposal Guidelines:

1.  You must be a Vermont-NEA member to apply for the mini-grant, to receive the funds, and during implementation of the project.  If your project is a team effort, you must all be and remain members of Vermont-NEA.  These mini-grants are available to all Vermont-NEA members - teachers and education support professionals.

2.  Write your proposal by answering the questions on the application form.  Only online proposals will be accepted.  It is suggested to type up the answers to each question in Word and copy and paste each answer into the application form.

3.  The deadline for applications is September 27, 2024 for the Fall grant cycle, with notification soon thereafter.  If we do not award the all the funds, we will hold a spring cycle.

Selection Criteria:

The following criteria, where applicable, will be used during the selection process:

◦a. Impacts student learning
◦b. Addresses student/school/community needs
◦c. Is creative and innovative
◦d. States measurable, achievable goals
◦e. Describes activities that are directly related to the objectives
◦f. Evaluation is clear and concise
◦g. Budget is realistic and appropriate
◦h. Description summarizes the proposal


The Union of Vermont Educators

The Vermont-National Education Association is the union of Vermont educators, 13,000 professionals who teach the state's children every day. As the state's largest union, Vermont-NEA is proud to represent the people who make a difference in the lives of students in classrooms across Vermont.