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Vermont Educators' Bill of Rights

Vermont’s educators deserve fair pay, time to collaborate, and safe schools. A Bill of Rights for Educators – and Our Students

As Vermont educators, you deserve to be paid a good wage, work in safe classrooms, and be allowed to collaborate with your colleagues as you teach the state’s children. Pledge your support now for Vermont Educators’ Bill of Rights.

Our Vision

The people who work in Vermont’s public schools give their all to every student, every day, in every local community.

They deserve, like every employee, dignified and competitive compensation; to work and teach in safe conditions; and to have the time, resources, and autonomy to ensure that Vermont’s public-school students thrive and become happy, healthy, and successful adults.

James "Jim" Johnson poses for a photo with a big smile in a green hat and shirt. Deciduous and coniferous trees can be seen in the background.
We’re all in this to help shape our kids’ lives—teachers and ESPs together.
Quote by: James "Jim" Johnson, Vermont School Bus Driver

Pledge your support now

Your voice is crucial to the fight! Together we have a stronger voice to win the changes that we need and our students deserve.

Emily Ide poses for a photo in sunglasses in a striped shirt with a green lanyard.
Having more planning time allows teachers to improve the quality of their instruction, plain and simple . . . That's what kids deserve.
Quote by: Emily Ide, Vermont Educator

Share Your Story

Educators work on the frontlines of Public Education serving students and communities every single day—and educator working are student learning conditions.

Whether you're an active or retired educator, a public school parent or student, or an advocate for public schools, your story matters!

In your own words, share your experience and why you support the Vermont Educators' Bill of Rights.
10 + 1 =
Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.
Christine Nold poses for a selfie.
What’s so great about public schools is that they bring so many students together with various perspectives, so it’s a real opportunity to help them develop a more humanizing approach to viewing the world.
Quote by: Christine Nold, Vermont Educator



The Union of Vermont Educators

The Vermont-National Education Association is the union of Vermont educators, 13,000 professionals who teach the state's children every day. As the state's largest union, Vermont-NEA is proud to represent the people who make a difference in the lives of students in classrooms across Vermont.