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VT-NEA members stand on the statehouse steps for a rally.

We're here to Keep the Promise of Quality Public Education

The Vermont-National Education Association is the union of Vermont educators, 13,000 professionals who teach the state's children every day.
VT-NEA President Don Tinney speaks into a microphone.
Every school must be a sanctuary for every student. And the way we achieve that is by strengthening our public education system and strengthening the educator voice within that system.
Quote by: Don Tinney, VT-NEA President

Our best hope for student success is you.

Your passion and commitment are crucial to helping all students—of all colors and backgrounds—learn, grow, and fulfill their potential. Here’s how you can get started.
VT-NEA members pose with signs that support students.

Be a voice for students

Members sit together at the VT-NEA RA

Build your career and find opportunities to lead

VT-NEA members stand together with their fists up in solidarity.

Advance justice with us

Advocate for your rights and working conditions

Advocate for your rights and working conditions

Use Your Educator Voice.

We are THE voice for educators in Vermont. See what membership can mean for you!

Let's Get Real

Let's Bring Real Change

Let's Get Real

45 out of 50 states fail to provide adequate funding to public schools.

Let's Bring Real Change

VT-NEA President Don Tinney speaks into a microphone.
Nourishing our students - satisfying their hunger and quenching their thirst - is as important as delivering academic instruction.
— Don Tinney, President of Vermont-NEA
Fight for Students with Us

More than one in five LGTBQ+ youth living in unaccepting communities attempted suicide in 2022, compared to 8 percent in very accepting places.

Let's Bring Real Change

A group of people stand holding the traditional PRIDE flag.
Read about the importance of supporting and protecting LGBTQ+ students, take action, and get involved with the movement.
Learn how to defend the freedom of our LGBTQ+ students

Standardized tests are inaccurate, inequitable, and don’t accurately measure student learning and growth.

Let's Bring Real Change

A pencil sits on a standardized test next to a crumpled piece of paper.
"I don’t think there’s any worse way to decide the worth of a human being than by how they choose A, B, C or D on some standardized test."
— Pete Stone, Teacher
Learn More About Performance Based Assessments

What’s on Your Mind?

We’re here to help. Our community comes to us seeking tools (guides, reports, trainings, and more) to help answer everyday questions. We’re here to support you in whatever you need.
An educator stands with a sign that says, "A Pension is a Promise. Do the right thing!"

Ready to stand up for public schools?

Learn more about the issues and policies that impact public education, then take action to support students.

The Union of Vermont Educators

The Vermont-National Education Association is the union of Vermont educators, 13,000 professionals who teach the state's children every day. As the state's largest union, Vermont-NEA is proud to represent the people who make a difference in the lives of students in classrooms across Vermont.